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Have you been feeling disconnected or out of touch with yourself lately?

Perhaps YOU have noticed INCreasing feelings of stress,anxiety or that critical voice getting louder?

Maybe you have never felt a deep connection or love for yourself but you know, surely, it must be there somewhere?

If any of this sounds like you, then i’m so glad you are here!

Hey there! I’m Monique, mama bear to this beautiful entity, Mindfully Curious. Originally qualified as a Psychologist, I felt there was more to the human psyche than just challenging thoughts and emotions. I noticed an essential part that was missing in my work with people (particularly with women) was a deeper connection between body and mind. So, with a keen interest in somatics, movement and complementary approaches to traditional talk therapy, Mindfully Curious was born. So welcome! My hope is that Mindfully Curious can provide a space (whether physically or digitally) where you can find a deep sense of groundedness and connection back to yourself - a reclamation of your emotional sovereignty where your raw and real expression is valued and celebrated as you create a life truly and excitedly worth living.

Please note this is not an emergency service. If you are in immediate need of assistance or it is outside our operating hours and you would like some more support, you may like to contact the numbers below;

  • Police/Ambulance/Fire (immediate crisis) 000

  • Mental Health Access Team (for immediate support and referral options) 1800 011 511

  • Lifeline 13 11 14

  • Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467

  • Blue Knot Helpline (supporting those with complex trauma and survivors of childhood abuse) 1300 657 380

  • 1800RESPECT (for sexual assault and domestic family violence support) 1800 737 732

  • Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800

  • Parent line 1300 30 1300

  • Link2Home (NSW crisis accomodation support and referrals) 1800 152 152

*Please note most of these services have email, online/webchat available and resources on their websites if those modes of support feel more available for you.