Mindfully Curious

Looking for Psychology and 1:1 support?

Then you are in the right place!

Online sessions

(via Zoom)

In person sessions

(In Sutherland, NSW, Australia)

I work with individuals and groups online via tele-health and in person at South Sydney Psychology and Trauma Recovery Service (SSPTS) in Sutherland, NSW, Australia.

Want to learn more about my values, qualifications and therapeutic approach? Click here.

My availability: Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

For all the information, ongoing resources you can access in this time and therapy referral options please click here

I will…

  • Guide you to arrive at your own answers and what feels true for you

  • Invite connection between your mind and body

  • Utilize trauma-informed practices to support safety, choice-making and empowerment

  • Relate from a human perspective with a focus on collaboration and working together

  • Encourage imperfection (no suits, ties or bright clinical lighting here!). Grab a cuppa, wear your comfy clothes, be barefoot - let’s find what works for you.

I won’t..

  • Focus on labels or diagnoses or the over-identification of symptoms that need to be “fixed” or “cured”. 

  • Be the “expert” telling you what you what to do

  • Provide “quick fix/band-aid” approaches

  • Ignore the shame, anger or invalidation you have felt or are feeling.




Explore therapy FAQS below

  • I work with women (age 18+).

    I do not work with men, children, families, couples or adolescents.

  • Psychology sessions can be a beautiful space to feel heard, seen and validated regarding your life experiences and inner world. They can also be a space to begin taking value-driven action in your life and move from survival to thriving. Session benefits may include;

    • Greater sense of clarity

    • Ability to have a deep connection with yourself unapologetically and lovingly

    • Greater confidence to set boundaries and speak your truth

    • Increased connection and sense of belonging

    • Ability to access calm and groundedness within yourself

    • Increase in emotional understanding

    • Confidence in your body as a resource throughout your life

  • Yes, unless there is an immediate risk of harm to yourself and/or others. If this was the case, I would be discussing this with you in session regarding next steps. For further information, check out our Consent & Privacy policy here.

  • Online (via zoom) meaning you can access sessions from anywhere.

    Or in person at South Sydney Psychology Trauma Recovery Service (SSPTS), Sutherland, NSW, Australia.

    There is also the option of outdoor therapy. If this is of interest, please send me an email at info@mindfullycurious.org and your location and we can discuss your specific circumstances.

  • $270 per 60mins session

  • No. Mindfully Curious is not a bulk billing service.

    To understand more about the cost of therapy and fee increases, please click here for more info.

  • Yes. Partial Medicare Rebates of $96.65 AUD apply using a valid Mental Health Care Plan from your GP. This means your out of pocket expense/cost for a session is $173.35

  • Once paid in full, you will be sent a receipt via email to claim your rebate via the Medicare app or in the Center. For more information, click here.

  • Yes. Please send an email to info@mindfullycurious.org to discuss your specific circumstances.

  • Yes I do. Please send an email to info@mindfullycurious.org to discuss your specific circumstances.

  • Please check with your specific Private Health Insurance what/if any rebate applies to you.

  • Yes. You just will not be eligible for the Medicare rebate.

    Please note due to insurance, I am unable to see US/Canadian citizens at this time.

  • I do not work with:

    • Court-Mandated Therapy (or provide legal reports)

    • Crisis Response/24-Hour Services; and

    • People who actively have suicidal and/or homicidal intents and plans or active psychotic symptoms.

    I also would not be a good fit if you need to see a clinician and medical provider more than once a week for your mental health, physical health, and substance use issues (e.g., addiction, eating disorders, suicidal ideation, self-harm), particularly if you are finding these issues severely impact your ability to function on a day-to-day basis eg. work needing to be put on hold.

  • I am unavailable after hours and Mindfully Curious is not an emergency service. If you require immediate support or after hours support, please see the contact numbers below.

    Police/Ambulance/Fire (immediate crisis) 000

    Mental Health Access Team (for immediate support and referral options) 1800 011 511

    Lifeline 13 11 14

    Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467

    Blue Knot Helpline (supporting those with complex trauma and survivors of childhood abuse) 1300 657 380

    1800RESPECT (for sexual assault and domestic family violence support) 1800 737 732

    Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800

    Parent line 1300 30 1300

    Link2Home (NSW crisis accomodation support and referrals) 1800 152 152

    *Please note most of these services have email, online/webchat available and resources on their websites if those modes of support feel more available for you.

  • That’s ok. I totally understand why, for a variety of reasons, it may not feel like the right time just yet. And let me reassure you that nerves are totally normal before a first session! Nevertheless, if you would like some information and to get a sense of how I work first, you are welcome to sign up to the mailing list here or you can access the Nourishing the Nervous System workshop here. Even though neither are replacements for psychological therapy, they can be great places to start.