Mindfully Curious


I’m Monique…

Psychologist, MindBody coach, Trauma Sensitive Yoga facilitator, and the woman behind Mindfully Curious.

I’m passionate about helping women (re)connect with themselves, step into their fullest potential, and unshackle themselves from the “shoulds” that the world has placed on them.

To do this, I call on my years of study and real-life experiences as a psychologist and trauma sensitive yoga facilitator, as well as my own personal experiences as a fellow human who too is navigating this crazy thing called life (let’s be real - just because you’re a psychologist doesn’t mean you’re exempt from the full spectrum of the human experience!).

Let me tell you a bit about me, and my journey:


I worked in the drug and alcohol and mental health sectors for many years, but grew to love working with women specifically (hence why I’ve now dedicated my career to supporting them!)

I have spent time in rural India mentoring young Australians who were teaching English and helping locals start their own self-sustaining businesses.

I fell in love with yoga through my own personal practice and went on to study and become a teacher in Ubud, Bali.

Even though I always loved psychology (and still do!) I decided to incorporate yoga and other body-based practices (like breathwork and movement practices) into my work because (1) I loved them and (2) my clients would often tell me that they understood themselves/their lives “up here” (and point to their head) but that nothing was changing “here” (and point to their heart/body). I now have the honour of helping women find peace in both their heads and their hearts/bodies. One could say I love all things related to the mindbody connection!



Being in my body in this way always felt like a portal for transformation (even though I couldn’t wrap those words around my experience at the time - it’s funny how life brings us full circle sometimes, isn’t it!?).

On a personal note, I truly do love the simple things in life; an epic sunrise (if I’m awake for it!) or sunset, a coffee (matcha or chai) with a mate, a nourishing meal, being out in nature, playing with my son and furbaby, and spending time with my partner and friends. I love a good fiction book, a cacao ceremony or women’s circle, a lover of the 80’s/90’s/00’s music era,  and any movement that involves fun and expression (I have been known to try all the things over the years - aerial yoga, Zumba, pole dancing, boxing, pilates).





Here you are, dear one:

  • Bachelor of Psychology (Hons) – University of Wollongong

  • Graduate Diploma of Professional Psychology – Macquarie University

  • Medicare Approved

  • Approved Psychologist by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)

  • Member of the Australian Association of Psychologists Inc (AAPi)

  • Member of the Blue Knot Professional Community (National Centre of Excellence for Complex Trauma)

  • 200hr Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) in Hatha Yoga via Embodied Flow™

  • Trauma Sensitive Yoga Australia training and Professional Development program

  • Completed Somatic Attachment Therapy Certificate via The Embody Lab

  • Completed Womankind Pelvic Floor and Hormone Rebalancing Yoga Teacher Training 

Plus some examples of ongoing learning and development (let’s be honest, this list could go on and on!)

  • Treating PTSD and Complex Trauma with Dr Leah Giarratano

  • Recognising & Resolving Traumatic Stress with Bessel van der Kolk

  • Narrative Therapy with David Epston

  • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) Practical Skills Training: Foundations and Updates with Dr Marsha Linehan

  • Addressing non-melancholic depression in the anxious worrier and the perfectionist (Black Dog Institute)

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) training (Dr Louise Hayes)

  • Sacred Cycles Course (Alisha Rose Kruger)

  • Introduction to Energy Psychology (Blue Knot Foundation, Robert Schwarz)

  • Working with Dissociation (Blue Knot Foundation)

  • Master Workshop - Freeing the Fascial Body (Eric Franklin)

  • Certificate in Applied Polyvagal Theory in Yoga Level 1 and 2 (Dr Arielle Schwartz)

  • Embodied Yin Teacher Training (50hrs)

And in case you’re interested to know, my work is informed by:

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

  • Somatic Attachment Therapy (including Somatic Experiencing and Inner Relationship Focussing methods)

  • Mindfulness-based Therapies

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

  • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) techniques

  • Energy Psychology techniques

  • Somatic, body-based therapies, including Trauma Sensitive Yoga.

From the bottom of my heart, I’m so glad that you found your way into this space. 

Please feel free to reach out here if you have any questions, or you can explore how we can work together here
