Hi there!
A nourishing space for women to REMEMBER who they truly are, get curious about who they want to GROW into, and RECLAIM their wise, wild and cyclical selves.
Psychology support and Trauma Sensitive Yoga, located online or in Sutherland, NSW (45 minutes south of Sydney, CBD).
Does this sound like you, dear soul?
You identify as being a “people pleaser” who often put others needs before your own
You’ve been taught to "suck it up", "get on with it", be quiet and polite and “not make a fuss”
You’ve often felt shamed for your emotions, your sensitivity and your sensuality
You feel resentful and exhausted from trying to fit yourself into a world that values achievement, doing and status (and often you have conformed to these ideals and it still doesn't feel enough)
You don’t have the time to take care of yourself as well as you’d like, or pursue your heart’s interests
You often feel disconnected from yourself, your body and your highest, aligned Self.
Mindfully Curious will take you on a JOURNEY HOME, to yourself.
In this space, all of you is welcome. No masks, no limits, no pretenses and no expectations. We find what works for you.
Hi there, I’m Monique.
I’m a down to earth and warm Psychologist, MindBody Coach and Trauma Sensitive Yoga Facilitator who supports women to find harmony in their minds and bodies.
From a mind perspective, I’m passionate about helping women make sense of their thoughts; express their emotions; process their pasts; and become more self reflective, self aware and self loving.
From a body perspective, I’m devoted to helping women get out of their heads and into their hearts; feel safe and grounded in the skin they’re in; nourish their nervous systems; and unapologetically show up in the world as their real and raw selves.
Are you ready to create your life on your terms, once and for all?
1:1 support
Psychology support available online, or in-person in Sutherland, NSW.
A 10 week online Trauma Sensitive Yoga and coaching journey to help you decrease stress, reconnect with yourself and feel more grounded and sovereign in your life.
Monthly access to trauma sensitive yoga and meditation practices for you to experience at home, to support you to remember your true self among the busyness of everyday life.
Online workshops
A collection of online workshops to help you stay connected with yourself, and support the health and wellbeing of your body, mind and heart.
Why choose to work with me?
I recognize the interconnectedness of various aspects of individuals' lives and the importance of addressing the whole person including physical, emotional, social, cultural, historic, energetic and spiritual dimensions.
I work from a trauma-informed perspective including guiding principles of safety, trustworthiness, choice, collaboration and empowerment.
For more information about the phases of trauma-informed therapy, click here.
I work with top-down (cognitive) approaches, as well as bottom-up (somatic/body-based) approaches. It is often not enough to just change our thoughts, we also need to work with our body wisdom and shift what is feeling stuck physiologically.
I am a big believer in practicing what I preach and as such, come from the perspective of ongoing professional development and learning, as well as drawing on my own life experiences (and healing) of both single incident and relational trauma.
FREE trauma sensitive yoga audio